Consumer Choice of Retail Formats in Russian Grocery Sector

  • Юлия Вадимовна Доморацкая Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики
Keywords: consumer behavior, food retailing, modern trade formats, traditional trade formats


Analyzing the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey data of 2006–2009 years, the author reveals three groups of consumers which differ in their shopping practices: those who buy food (1) only in traditional stores, (2) only in modern stores, (3) in modern and traditional stores. The article reveals social and economic factors providing an impact on consumers’ choice of retail formats.

Author Biography

Юлия Вадимовна Доморацкая, Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики

Студентка магистратуры факультета социологии НИУ ВШЭ
Москва, Россия

How to Cite
ДоморацкаяЮ. В. (2012). Consumer Choice of Retail Formats in Russian Grocery Sector. Journal of Economic Sociology, 13(1), 46-66.
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