Interview with Thomas Piketty: “One can Push History Out but It Immediately Comes in through the Window”
Vadim Radaev Relational Exchange and the Degree of Embeddedness: An Empirical Study of Supply Chains
Daniel Shestakov On Inequality of Outcomes. Book Review: Piketty Т. (2015) Kapital v XXI veke [Capital in the Twenty-First Century], Moscow: Ad Marginem Press (in Russian); tr. from: Piketty T. (2014) Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press
Greg Yudin Debt Books and a Book on Debts Book Review: Graeber D. (2014) Dolg: pervye 5000 let istorii [Debt: First 5000 Years], Moscow: Ad Marginem Press (in Russian); tr. from: Graeber D. (2011) Debt: First 5000 Years. Brooklyn, New York: Melville House