From Individual to Shared Affect: Post-Durkheimian Tradition in the Sociology of Emotions

  • Мария Деева
Keywords: Emile Durkheim, sociology of emotions, collective emotions, shared affect, intensity of emotions, Collins, background emotions, Scheff, distancing of emotions, Hochschild, emotion work, emotions


The article analyses theoretical resources of post-Durkheimian tradition in the sociology of emotions. The author proposes to use concept “shared affect” as theoretical frame. Being used on the context of key for sociology of emotions distinctions, such as “feeling/expression,” “consciousness/unconsciousness emotion,” “involvement/distancing of emotions,” this concept lets to highlight relation of specific problems of sociology of emotions and ones of theoretical sociology.


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How to Cite
ДееваМ. (2011). From Individual to Shared Affect: Post-Durkheimian Tradition in the Sociology of Emotions. Russian Sociological Review, 9(2), 134-154. Retrieved from
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