ISSN: 2587-8719. State Registration NoЭЛ № ФС 77 - 68963.

Publisher: National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Moscow 101000 Russia.


Philosophy. The Journal of the Higher School of Economics is intended not only for specialists but for all readers interested in a wide range of philosophical problems. The need for such a publication is obvious. Actually, most Russian-language philosophical periodicals have a disciplinary nature and are addressed to "narrow specialists". This, of course, has both advantages and disadvantages: specialized journals do not meet the requests of University philosophy teachers, blurring boundaries of polemics on general problems of modern philosophy in its connection with science, politics, culture, Economics, etc., the growing esotericism of philosophical concepts developed for special discourses, etc. We quite deliberately chose a rather modest name for our magazine — Philosophy. Our publishing policy is to "build bridges" between different areas of philosophical research, yet maintaining the necessary professional level so that the movement along these "bridges" has a meaningful and purposeful character.

The main principle of the journal is elementary: a sufficient and necessary condition for the publication of materials in our journal is their quality that meets the criteria of scientific professionalism. The journal does not have any other preferences (ideological, political, group, corporate, etc.). In everything else, he follows the usual rules in scientific periodicals. In all other respects, it follows the usual rules in scientific periodicals. We encourage our authors to be as bold and uniqueness as possible, whose limits can only be set by the requirements of scientific ethics, common sense, and scientific integrity. The pages of our magazine are a meeting place for intellectuals, where the desire for novelty, combined with respect for cultural and spiritual traditions, dominates. We are glad to see young researchers among our authors. We want publication in the journal to be an opportunity for them to prove themselves as original researchers, and we try to help them do this.

Special attention is paid in the journal to the genre of philosophical criticism, which, unfortunately, has almost disappeared in our philosophical literature. This genre, which was once almost the main one in Russian philosophy, primarily involves explicit polemics between representatives of various trends, ideological trends, methodological and epistemological concepts.


Topics and areas of research and discussion:


  • Current directions of research development in the modern philosophical space;
  • Revision of classical concepts and texts of political philosophy;
  • Development of a professional lexicon in Russian philosophical science;
  • Reflection on the main directions of Russian philosophical thought, the conditions for their appearance, formation and functioning;
  • Problems of the method of historical science as a subject of philosophical reflection;
  • The problem of the boundaries of philosophical knowledge, work on the boundaries of philosophy.


The journal's objectives are closely related to the research areas supported by the Editorial Board's policy:


  • Research on the history of philosophy:
  • Antiquities
  • Middle Ages
  • Modern European and American philosophy
  • Continental and Analytical philosophy of the 20th century
  • The popularization of the works of classics of philosophical thought of the past and present among the broad philosophical community by publishing commented translations of their works;
  • Drawing the community's attention to the problems of development of Russian philosophical and socio-political thought, including the organization of philosophical activities in Russia past and present;
  • Revision of classical ideas and ideas of moral and political philosophy in modern conditions;
  • Development of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of Russian philosophical knowledge by publishing problematic concept-oriented articles and creating a pool of translations of monuments of classical philosophical thought;
  • An analysis of the experience of neighbouring disciplines (history, law, political science, etc. ) in the context of modern philosophical knowledge;
  • Maintaining the general professional level of the Russian philosophical community and promoting the results of its research not only in Russia but also among foreign colleagues, which requires the journal to be included in international databases of scientific citation.


The structure of the journal includes five permanent headings:


  1. Studies: the heading contains the original author's articles. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, the author transfers the exclusive copyright for its publication to the journal. All materials are published on the condition and the basis of the author's consent to the above condition. The journal publishes only original research and articles. Russian and English materials are published in this section without translation; the material is translated from other languages into Russian.
  2. Translations and Publications: this heading presents to readers translations of fragments of texts of classics of philosophical and socio-political thought or of the most prominent modern philosophers. Introductory remarks and exegetical commentary accompany translation texts. If a previously unpublished source (archival document) is published, the introductory article includes the necessary archaeological notes. The purpose of this section is to present the reader with unfamiliar texts (or new translations of classical sources), to discuss the development of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of modern philosophical science. The purpose of this section is to introduce the reader to unfamiliar texts (or new translations of classical sources), to discuss the development of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of modern philosophical science. Publication of all translations in Journal of the Higher School of Economics approved by the copyright holders.
  3. Philosophical Criticism. Book Reviews: this heading publishes reviews of works on philosophical topics published over the past fifteen (less often – twenty) years. The purpose of the review section is to present the reader with the most (in the opinion of the editorial Board) worthy research in the philosophical sciences and, thus, contribute to the formation and development of a field of lively philosophical discussion, exchange of ideas and information.
  4. Academic Life: this heading contains analytical reports on conferences on philosophical Sciences held both in Russia and abroad.
  5. Discussions: this heading publishes panel discussions that arise around a particular philosophical issue on the initiative of either one of the Editorial Board members or one of the external authors. Each discussion includes an opening remark from the initiator, five or six responses from the invited authors, and a second remark from the initiator of the discussion, in which the initiator summarizes the resulting exchange of views.

Charge policy
Publishing in the journal is absolutely free. The journal does not charge authors for publishing their materials in the journal, either openly or in any other way.