• Announcement of the 1nd issue of 2023


    Philosophy between Enlightenment and Empire

    The main research idea of ​​the planned issue is to present a systematic analysis of topics and plots that are little studied in the Russian historical and philosophical tradition, but significant for European culture, affecting the mutual influence and transition of various ideas that characterize the era of the Revolution, the Сonsulate and the First Empire in France. It is also planned to touch upon the issue of reflecting a number of concepts of the Enlightenment and the Great Revolution in the mirror of philosophical thought during the Second Empire. It is expected that the thematic issue will trace the connection between enlightenment ideals and various aspects of the intellectual history of the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as the subsequent influence of the theoretical principles put forward in the “era of change” on the expansion of the European intellectual horizon. The reason for a special issue of the journal Philosophy between Enlightenment and Empire is both the richness of the diverse theories of the mentioned era (Condorcet, Barnave, de Maistre, Bonald, etc.), and the presence in modern Russia and France of authoritative specialists who have achievements in areas of historical and philosophical research. The thematic issue is of particular relevance due to the fact that recently, both in foreign publications and in Russian, one can observe a certain surge of interest in the above issues. At the same time, there are very few special journal issues on this topic in recent years. Therefore, the idea to devote to the latest research, affecting the issues of the history of philosophical ideas and concepts in French culture at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries that have not been sufficiently studied to date, looks both rather non-standard and relevant.

    Read more about Announcement of the 1nd issue of 2023
  • Анонс 3 номера 2022 года


    Уважаемые коллеги!

    Журнал «Философия. Журнал Высшей школы экономики» открывает приём заявок на публикацию статей в специальный номер (3 номер 2022 года). Номер будет посвящен актуальности философии В.В. Бибихина.

    Выпускающие редакторы А. В. Михайловский и К. А. Павлов-Пинус

    Read more about Анонс 3 номера 2022 года