To Believe Firmly: Desiring Faith and the Cost of a Mistake

  • Aleksey Rakhmanin Associate Professor and Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, Religious Studies and Theology Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities (Saint Petersburg, Russia)


Discussion: Butakov, P. A. 2020. “Vo chto i kak nado verit’: otvet sobesednikam [What to Believe and How to Believe It: A Response to My Interlocutors]” [in Russian]. Filosofiya. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki [Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics] 4(4), 167-184.



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How to Cite
RakhmaninA. (2020). To Believe Firmly: Desiring Faith and the Cost of a Mistake. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 4(4), 199-206.