Les six livres de la République

Livre 6. Ch. 1. De la Censure

  • Jean Bodin
  • G.I. Bajazitova Candidate of Sciences in History, Head of the Department of History and World Politics, Tyumen State University
  • N.N. Lykova Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor of the Department of French Philology, Tyumen State University
  • D.S. Mitiureva Junior Researcher, Research Laboratory “Ideas. Contexts. Events”, Tyumen State University


Translation of: Bodin, J. 1986. Les six livres de la République [in French]. Paris: Fayard. P. 613–627.


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How to Cite
BodinJ., BajazitovaG., LykovaN., & MitiurevaD. (2022). Les six livres de la République. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(1), 339-368. https://doi.org/10.17323/2587-8719-2022-1-339-368
Translations and Critical Editions