The ἀρχὴ of the Priest in the “Apology for His Flight” (or. 2) of Gregory of Nazianzus

  • Nikolay Antonov MA, Visiting Fellow of the Ecclesiastical Institutions Research Laboratory St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)
Keywords: Priesthood, Religious Leadership, Gregory of Nazianzus, Power/Authority, Mediation, Spiritual Guidance


This article reconstructs the categorical apparatus used by Gregory of Nazianzus to form notions of the ἀρχή of the priest. It has been shown that logic of religious leadership, developed by Gregory, is deeply rooted in paradigms of Late Antiquity. He connects the idea of the divine origin of the institution of the clergy with the notion of a world hierarchy (ἀρχὴ καὶ τάξις). In this context, oppositions between ministry/absolute authority (λειτουργία/ἡγεμονία) and force/persuasion (βίᾳ/πειθοῖ) are analyzed, showing that the priest is defined by his position between God and the laity, which is often described using the pastoral metaphor: Chief Shepherd Christ — shepherd — flock. At the same time, the category of “mediation” itself (μεσιτεία Θεοῦ καὶ ἀνθρώπων) refers in his text exclusively to the cultic function of the priest, i.e. bringing people to God through the sacraments. Another way of achieving this goal is to help people through “spiritual guidance,” i.e. different practices of communication (conversation, sermon, instruction, etc.). This path is described by Gregory in Neoplatonic categories and implies that only someone who is close to God can lead others to Him. These two methods of influencing lay people have a different theological-ontological basis, however both of them constitute the ἀρχή of the priest. The performance of the sacraments is considered as that which places a priest closer to God, that is to say what includes him in ἀρχὴ καὶ τάξις on a level distinct from ordinary people. Moreover, the priest is thought of as a person who occupies in the New Israel — the Church — the place of the rulers of ancient Israel, and for this reason his position is described as authoritative, although this authority has to do with the government of souls (ἡγεμονία ψυχῶν), accomplished in this case exclusively through persuasion.


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How to Cite
AntonovN. (2022). The ἀρχὴ of the Priest in the “Apology for His Flight” (or. 2) of Gregory of Nazianzus. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(4), 13-35.