“Northern Venice” and “Yuzhny Novgorod”

Reflections on the Book by P.V. Lukin

  • Oleg Aurov PhD in History; Leading Researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia); Associate Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)


Review of: Lukin, P.V. 2022. Novgorod i Venetsiya. Sravnitel’no-istoricheskiye ocherki stanovleniya respublikanskogo stroya [Novgorod and Venice. Comparative Historical Essays of the Formation of the Republican System] [in Russian]. Sankt-Peterburg [Saint Petersburg]: Yevropeyskiy universitet v Sankt-Peterburge [European University at St. Petersburg Press].


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How to Cite
Aurov O. (2024). “Northern Venice” and “Yuzhny Novgorod”. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 8(3), 389-400. https://doi.org/10.17323/2587-8719-2024-3-389-400
Philosophical Criticism