The Gift of Post-Vision: A Review of New Research on the Visigothic Kingdoms

  • Мария Александровна Штейнман PhD in Philology; Accociate Professor in the Communication Studies and Public Affairs Department at the History, Political Science and Law School, Russian State Univerisity for the Humanities (Moscow)


Book Review: Aurov, O. V., and Ye. S. Marey, comps. 2017. Teologiya i politika. Vlast’, Tserkov’ i tekst v korolevstvakh vestgotov (V – nachalo VIII v.) [Theology and Politics: Power, the Church, and Text in the Visigothic Kingdoms (from the Fifth to the Early Eighth Century)]: issledovaniya i perevody [Research and Translations] [in Russian]. Moskva [Moscow]: Delo.


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How to Cite
ШтейнманМ. А. (2017). The Gift of Post-Vision: A Review of New Research on the Visigothic Kingdoms. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 1(2), 162-172.
Philosophical Criticism