Semyon L. Frank's Life and Writings in the Correspondence Between Ludwig Binswanger and Tatyana S. Frank (1951-1953)

  • Александр Сергеевич Цыганков PhD in Philosophy, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Тереза Оболевич Dr. Hab. in Philosophy, Professor at the Pontifical University of John Paul II (Kraków)
Keywords: S. L. Frank’s Archival Heritage, Correspondence between L. Binswanger and T. S. Frank, Archive of the University of Tübingen, The Unknowable, M. Heidegger, Semyon Frank, Ludwig Binswanger


In the introductory article to the archival publication of seven letters from Ludwig Binswanger to Tatiana Sergeyevna Frank, written in 1951-1953, an overview of the archival heritage of the Swiss psychiatrist connected with Frank’s family is given. In 1986-1993 all the manuscripts and typewritten legacy of the Binswangers were transferred to the archive of the University of Tübingen. Among other things, L. Binswanger’s archive contains his correspondence with Frank’s family: a total of 680 items, most of which are represented by L. Binswanger’s and S. L. Frank’s letters. However, after Frank’s death in 1950 his correspondence with the Swiss psychiatrist was continued by his widow — T. S. Frank. It is possible to distinguish three main topics of their correspondence: family matters, a question of publication of L. Binswanger’s texts on S. L. Frank and his philosophy, and the vicissitudes of the publication of texts and the epistolary heritage of the philosopher himself. Binswanger’s archive provides rich material for the investigation of the fate of the German text of S. L. Frank’s work The Unknowable. So, thanks to the correspondence between the widow of the philosopher and his friend, the reader will learn, among others things, that M. Heidegger was familiar with the work of S. L. Frank, and even volunteered to find a publisher and give his recommendations.


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How to Cite
ЦыганковА. С., & ОболевичТ. (2018). Semyon L. Frank’s Life and Writings in the Correspondence Between Ludwig Binswanger and Tatyana S. Frank (1951-1953). Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2(2), 134-155.
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