Emotions as a Driving Motive of Human Behavior

A Review of Robert Frank's Book on the Key Role of Emotions in Decision Making

  • Полина Олеговна Старосоцкая BA Student at the School of Philosophy, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow


Review of: Fr·enk, R. [Franck, R. H.] 2017. Strasti v nashem razume [Passions within Reason]: strategicheskaya rol’ emotsiy [in Russian]. Ed. by M. S. Dobryakova. Trans. from the English by I. V. Kushnareva. Moskva [Moscow]: Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki.


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How to Cite
СтаросоцкаяП. О. (2018). Emotions as a Driving Motive of Human Behavior. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2(4), 207-213. https://doi.org/10.17323/2587-8719-2018-II-4-207-213
Philosophical Criticism