Origen’s «Commentary on the Gospel according to John” in Russian

a Review of the Translation by O. Kuliev

  • Andrey Seregin PhD in Philology, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow


Review of: Origen. 2018. Tolkovaniya na Yevangeliye ot Ioanna [Commentary on the Gospel according to John] [in Russian]. Annot. by O. I. Kuliyev. Trans. from the Ancient Greek, with a forew., by O. I. Kuliyev. Sankt-Peterburg [Saint Petersburg]: Izdatel’stvo RKhGA.


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How to Cite
SereginA. (2019). Origen’s «Commentary on the Gospel according to John” in Russian. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 3(1), 286-293. https://doi.org/10.17323/2587-8719-2019-3-1-286-293
Philosophical Criticism