Publication Ethics

The journal “Philosophy. Journal of  the Higher School of Economics” adheres to ethical and legal standards regulating research and publication activity authorized by international organizations. By submitting your article, you confirm that you agree to adhere to this ethical policy.

The journal is published quarterly.

The Editor-in-Chief makes a final decision concerning publishing. He might consider the decision for discussion with the Editorial Board.

All submissions are judged for relevance to Journal topics and compliance with formal requirements. After that stage, Executive Secretary sends them to the double-blind peer-review. Final decision takes into account referee’s opinions. The only exceptions are: book reviews, scientific events overviews, obituaries and other bibliographic materials. The Executive Secretary provides editorial work (managing the review process, communicating with authors, publishing materials on the website, disseminating information about previous and coming issues of the Journal, etc.).

The reviewer’s task is to evaluate works from scientific point of view fairly. If reviewer is not qualified in the material’s issue, her/she should notify the Editor-in-Chief and refuse to participate in review process. The reviewer cannot disclose or use in their publications received materials. He/she cannot send the materials to third parties without approval of the Editor-in-Chief. The reviewer should articulate article’s strengths and weaknesses clearly as well as suggest the ways to enhance the material if it is necessary. In case of revealing plagiarism, the reviewer should inform the Editor-in-Chief and provide bibliographical description of original source pointing at borrowed fragments. If conflict of interest arises, the reviewer should inform the Editor-in-Chief and refuse to review the article.

Author’s obligations

The material should be written on the basis of original studies conducted in accordance with ethical standards accepted by the scientific community in the relevant field. An author should mention all sources (including references on his or her own works) and draw up a bibliography in accordance with Editorial Board’s rules. If certain materials or ideas were published in other editions (including in the other languages), the author should either mention that fact in the footnote or provide a bibliographical description of sources. The author cannot submit the materials with results that are published more than once.

In case of revealing significant errors in the material that has already being published, the author should contact with the Editorial Board and discuss the ways of correcting them. The authors should mention sources of funding that could be considered as influencing on the research data or its interpretation.


The Editorial Board considers only original materials that are not published before and are not processed in other editorials.

The copyrights on published articles belong to the journal “Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics” and the authors. The publisher may use any means of communication for articles dissemination, translate materials and grant the right for republication (entering into sublicense agreement). Republication of article in whole or in part is possible provided that Editorial Board is notified and all republications include reference on the original publication in the journal “Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics”. All questions concerning republication and copyrights will be sent to the Executive Secretary Maria Marey.


The journal “Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics” follow a strong plagiarism policy. In the case of plagiarism in accordance with editorial policy the material will not be published as well as other materials belong to this author.