The History of Women Philosophers

It is supposed to support the idea of restoring the names of women philosophers within a separate issue to make a historical and philosophical exposition of the history of philosophy more complete by mentioning the names traditionally ignored by the conventional approaches in various areas of philosophical knowledge: logic, ontology, ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, philosophy of consciousness, and other philosophical fields of interest.

It should be noted that although the gender revision of the history of philosophy involves the methodology of gender studies, this issue is going to be governed by history of philosophy methodological framework, applying primarily the traditional methodology of the history of philosophy to the philosophical heritage created by women.

Like any other history of women, the history of women philosophers has not yet been written, and the general history of philosophy contains gaps, which would be relevant to fulfill in the framework of the proposed issue.

Thus, the methodology of this historical and philosophical project is a kind of classical academic initiative to be implemented in connection to the involvement of more and more women in philosophical knowledge today.

The purpose of the issue is to publish those academic papers on the contribution of women to the development of philosophical ideas from antiquity to the present day. This methodologically involves the solution of the following problems, significant in various respects:

research on contributions by women philosophers of different epochs in different subject areas of philosophy (significant for the general history of philosophy);

a coverage of plots and figures ignored in the conventional exposition of the history of philosophy (significant for the general history of philosophy);

revision and rethinking of texts that could influence the development of philosophy - both published and unpublished, but preserved in other, not only academic, forms and genres - letters, manuscripts, testimonies of contemporaries, etc. (significant for the general history of philosophy as well as the general history as a whole);

an assessment and analysis of these ideas meaning and interpretation within the intellectual context of each particular epoch (significant for the modern history of philosophy, as well as for the philosophy development in general).