Max Scheler on Fyodor Dostoevsky's Political Orthodoxy and Russian Love for Suffering

  • Alexander Mikhailovsky PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
Keywords: M. Scheler's Philosophy, Eastern and Western Сhristianity,, F.M. Dostoevsky, The Idea of Salvation, Suffering, Shame


The article is an introduction to the first Russian translation of Max Scheler's essay “On Eastern and Western Christianity”, which was published in the collection of articles “War and Reconstruction” (1916) and thus forms part of Scheler's war philosophy. The article presents the polemical context of this essay and establishes a connection with Scheler's axiology and phenomenology as well. Particular attention is paid to the reception of F.M. Dostoevsky among German intellectuals of the early 20th century and the influence of this reception on Scheler's understanding of the ideas of salvation and suffering in the Eastern Church.



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How to Cite
MikhailovskyA. (2021). Max Scheler on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Political Orthodoxy and Russian Love for Suffering. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 5(1), 201-215.
Translations and Critical Editions