What We Do in the Shadow: Horror and Gameplay

Review of a Book by B. Perron

  • Alexander Pavlov Doctor of Letters in Philosophy; Head of the Social Philosophy Department, Leading Researcher at the RAS Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia); Professor at the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University (Velikiy Novgorod, Russia)


Review of: Perron, B. 2021. Silent Hill. Navstrechu uzhasu. Igry i teoriya strakha [Silent Hill. The Terror Engine] [in Russian]. Trans. from the English by M.V. Bocharov. Moskva: Eksmo


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How to Cite
PavlovA. (2021). What We Do in the Shadow: Horror and Gameplay. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 5(3), 324-345. https://doi.org/10.17323/2587-8719-2021-3-324-345
Philosophical Criticism