The World Should Be Romanticised

Monographs on German Romanticism; Manfred Frank, Frederick Beiser, Dalia Nassar

  • Анна Михайловна Винкельман MA Student, Lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow; MA Student at the Cologne University


In the Margins of Philosophical Treatises:

Frank, M. 1989. Einführung in die frühromantische Ästhetik: Vorlesungen [in German]. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

Beiser, F. C. 2003. The Romantic Imperative. Cambridge (Mass.) and London: Harvard University Press.

Nassar, D. 2014. The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in Early German Romantic Philosophy, 1795–1804. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


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How to Cite
ВинкельманА. М. (2018). The World Should Be Romanticised. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2(4), 233-243.
In the Margins of Philosophical Treatises