The second issue of our Journal continues to examine the key issues of political and social philosophy. The topic of this issue contains a direct reference to the work of Jean Starobinski Action and Reaction. The Adventure of One Couple (Action et réaction. Vie et aventures d'un couple, 1999, Russian edition in 2008): in the variety of specific topics of the issue's materials, the dynamics of these concepts are clearly revealed, which, no doubt, can be considered one of the key ones for political philosophy during the 18-20 centuries. Articles by Jose-Luis Villacanhas Berlangi (Complutense University, Madrid), Vadim Chalii (Kant BFU, Kaliningrad), and Andrey Maltsev (independent researcher, Perm) analyze key aspects of modern political thought, from near-modernity to the reconstruction of contextual relations in the (self)description Andrey Bolotov.
In the discussion of the fundamental work, The Transformation of the World by Jürgen Osterhammel (English translation in 2014, original German edition in 2009), the possibilities of global history and its borders are explored — in this case, on the example of the 19 century; Tatiana Saburova (Indiana University, Bloomington; HSE, Moscow) and Andrey Teslya (BFU named after I. Kant, Kaliningrad; TOGU, Khabarovsk) participate in the discussion.
The historical and theoretical aspects of political philosophy in their unity are considered in the third Lecture on Political Law by Donoso Cortés (1836), which is presented in the translation by Yuri Vasilenko (HSE, Perm), who accompanied the publication with a detailed introductory article. The Preface of the translation editor Alexander Marey (HSE, Moscow) is devoted to the concepts of action and reaction in the philosophy of Donoso Cortés.
The next part is devoted to reviews. The review by Maria Marey (HSE, Moscow) on the collection of political texts by Alexander Herzen 1847-1869, the review by Maria Steinman (RSUH, Moscow) on the collective monograph Theology and Politics. Power, Church, and text in the Visigothic kingdoms (V - early VIII C.) and Alexander Pavlov's review (HSE, Moscow) on Disputes on Democracy by J.-V. Muller. Anna Winkelman, a student at the HSE (Moscow), offers us her thoughts on the book Sophie's Choice by U. Styron.
The final section of the journal contains a chronicle of the HSE's VIII International conference Ways of Thinking, Modes of Speaking, held in April 2017, as well as an information letter about the IX conference of the same name, which will traditionally be held in April of the upcoming year.
Andrey Teslya