Ars signorum

vulgo character universalis et lingua philisophica

  • George Dalgarno
  • Emil Rakhmankulov BA Student at the National Research University High School of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • Natalia Osminskaya PhD in Philosophy; Senior Lecturer at the National Research University High School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
  • Vladimir Yanin BA Student at the National Research University High School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
  • Ilya Onegin MA Student at the National Research University High School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)
  • Renata Idrisova


Translation of: Dalgarno, G. 1834. “Ars Signorum vulgo Character Universalis et Lingua Philisophica [1661]” [in Latin]. In The Works of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen, 11–82. Edinburgh: T. Constable.


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How to Cite
Dalgarno G., Rakhmankulov E., Osminskaya N., Yanin V., Onegin I., & IdrisovaR. (2024). Ars signorum. Philosophy Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 8(2), 331-382.
Translations and Critical Editions