The first number of our Review is dedicated to Political Philosophy. Almost all the authors centred their attention on the cluster of concepts such as the State, the Revolution, the Sovereignty, the Commonwealth either Republic as a particular type of the socio-political organisation. The theoretical and methodological approaches to the State interpretation became the principal point of D. Negro Pavon's article and, at the same time, for the fragment of Alessandro Passerin d'Entreves' book, translated into Russian for the first time. The same problems discuss in their book reviews Maria Marey and Greg Yudin. On the contrary, the articles by Richard Bourke, Gulnara Bayazitova and Andrey Teslya have more historical than theoretical orientation. The first author discusses the concepts of the old order and the Revolution; the G.Bayazitova's article stresses some points of the political theory of J.Bodin and Fr.Hautman, and Andrey Teslya emphasises the peculiarities of the socio-political thought of M.Dragomanov - Ukrainian thinker of the later XIX cent.